We can live our daily lives

in such a way that every act

becomes an act of love. 

~ thich nhat hanh

Since my last mailing over a month ago I’ve enjoyed an unbelievable summer. Swimming at night under a full moon, stand-up paddle boarding at sunset, dancing to music in the mountains, and connecting playfully with new friends and old. I stand in gratitude and awe at the beauty around me. I stand in gratitude for the privilege in my life that allows me these opportunities and feeling safe to frolic in the world.

Since my last mailing there have also been events in the world that have led me to feel outraged, sick to my stomach and downright discouraged.

Life is full of complexity. Like the fact that it’s possible to feel both joy and sadness at the same time. We can experience our life at polar ends of the spectrum and everything in between, all in moment. This is something I know how to deal with, personally and professionally. What I don’t know how to deal with is being a bystander to injustice around me.

I am dedicated to being an agent of change. I am dedicated to helping end this epidemic of violence, the best I know how.

For now I simply share this –

To my brothers and sisters who experience systemic oppression, discrimination, judgement and any form of hatred based on race, sexuality, class, gender, religion and beyond, I send love.

To my brothers and sisters who are profiled, held back or live in fear, I send love.

To my brothers and sisters who work as civil servants, committed to bringing safety and justice to our communities, I send love.

Philando Castile went to my high school, albeit years after I graduated. He was pulled over and killed weeks ago close to the house I grew-up in, on a street I drove down nearly every day. Things have hit close to home for me more than ever. I sit here with feelings on each end of the spectrum: feeling distraught about what happened yet also feeling renewed energy to do more to stop these tragic events.

Let’s not wait until something happens in our backyard to be shaken and reawakened.

Let’s no longer be complacent. The time is now to spread peace, justice, love, compassion and connection.

{Listen to this song “Love is the Answer” by Aloe Blacc. Love his message, love his voice.}